DNS Checker Tool To Find DNS Records
Looking to find out the DNS records of any domain for free? Use the DNS checker tool and know the global DNS records of a particular domain name. the world’s best online software to run a DNS Lookup easily in seconds.

What is DNS & How it works?
The DNS stands for Domain Name which is the said to be the phone of the internet. And for web users to access world wide web they will, be visiting domain names which are the website’s address. Example www.seekahost.app is the domain name also known as website address.
The DNS is what connects the users who are looking for a particular website to it’s domain name rather pointing them to a IP address (numbers). An IP address is a long set of numbers that are not easy to remember as it looks like which is the IP) address of the fernandoraymond.com website by our CEO. You can check the IP address of any site with domain IP address checker.
The website are accessed by web browser such as Google chrome, Internet Explore and the web browser interact each through IP (Internet Protocol) addresses. And that’s how the Domain Name system works. Each device that connects to the internet has a unique IP address which long numbers and make it easy for web users to remember and navigate to each website has a unique domain name.

Who needs to check domain DNS?
Anyone who wish to know what are the DNS of a particular domain will have to use a DNS checker tool to find out what are the DNS records. This is also called as DNS lookup done by private blog network builder who build multiple sites and need a unique IP address for each blogsite.
Mostly SEO industry professionals find DNS records for their data analysis.

Why should anyone know about a domain DNS Records?
Knowing the domain DNS records will help you to the exact domaina name system records for particular domain name. This is very important for site owners who create multiple website for private blog networks.

Who checks Domain DNS Records?
Web masters and SEO consultants check the domain name system records with a DNS lookup tool to find out the data. They need it to check if a site move to another host worked out correctly and if the DNS propagation has taken place.
Mostly site transfers check the DNS to verify if the domain name after the successful move has picked up the new host’s IP address records. This will help them be certain that domain is after the move correctly loading from the new moved host’s provided IP address.

How to use DNS Checker tool?
Just enter a domain name (example seekahost.app) and press the search button to find our the domain name system records. You will get the exact IP address and names of the domain name you wish to know the records.
The DNS checker is free tool created by SeekaHost and you can use it as much as you wish to search any number of domain’s DNS lookup.