How to Manage WordPress Site Themes from the Dashboard

Managing your website’s appearance and functionality effectively is crucial, and with, you can easily manage your WordPress site themes or plugins directly from the dashboard. This allows for quick changes without needing to log into your site, which is especially useful for troubleshooting or when you wish to change your site’s look and feel swiftly.

Accessing Theme Management

  1. Navigate to Your Sites: Log into your dashboard. Depending on your needs, select either ‘WordPress Sites‘ or ‘Private Blogs (PBN)‘ from the dashboard to view your list of sites.
  2. Select Your Site: Identify the site for which you want to manage the themes. Click on the blue cog button associated with that site to enter its specific settings.

Managing Themes

Once inside the site’s settings:

  1. Go to the Themes Section: In the site management menu, click on the ‘Themes’ tab. This will display all the themes currently installed on your site.
  2. Activate or Deactivate Themes:
    • To Activate a Theme: Browse through the list of available themes. Click on ‘Activate’ underneath the theme you wish to apply to your site. This will instantly set the theme as active, changing the appearance of your website.
    • To Deactivate a Theme: If a theme is already active and you wish to disable it (perhaps to revert to a default theme or prepare for a new theme activation), click on ‘Deactivate’ underneath the current active theme.

Visual Reference

Here’s a visual guide showing the theme management section in the dashboard:
managing themes on wordpress

Benefits of Dashboard-Based Theme Management

  • Efficiency: Quickly switch themes to refresh your site’s look or troubleshoot without logging into WordPress.
  • Accessibility: Manage themes from anywhere, directly via the dashboard, which is ideal for users managing multiple sites.
  • Troubleshooting: Easily deactivate themes to diagnose issues, improving site recovery time during crashes caused by theme conflicts.


The dashboard offers a streamlined, user-friendly interface for managing your WordPress themes efficiently. Whether you’re looking to update your site’s design or troubleshoot without accessing the backend, this tool simplifies web management tasks and enhances your ability to maintain and update your website effectively.

17 Best Free WordPress Themes for Private Blogs

17 Best Free WordPress Themes for Private Blogs (PBNs) and SEO advantages

free themes for pbn blogs

To run an effective Private Blog Network you need a lightweight theme to not only display well but save resources on your server and keep your blog optimised.

This some owners having hundreds of different blogs, its hard to keep the looking unique whilst still maintaining their SEO then using a theme that is unique but light weight for your blog is the best place to start.

1. OceanWp Theme

best free wordpress themes for private blogs
Image from the WordPress Theme repository

A top choice of theme when it comes to building Private Blog Networks that need fest, effective and responsive design. This will suit a blog or any niche and is also very versatile. It integrates well with woocomerce for online shopping and has a huge amount of positive ratings. Currently over 5 thousand.

It works great with Elementor, Beaver Builder, Brizy, Visual Composer, Divi, SiteOrigin and other popular page builders making it extremely multifunctional for users that like different page builders. This great multipurpose theme will keep your blog loading fast, looking great and functioning as intended.

2. PopularFX Theme

best free wordpress themes for private blogs popularfx
Image from the WordPress Theme repository

Another light weight theme to make sure you PBN is running fast and effectively. This theme looks smart and responsive for any screen size with well developed themes. One of the best things about this theme is the hundreds of free template pages you can use to build your site. Whether its a straight swap to a template page or customizing in to make your blog more more unique. Thsi theme is a winner in my eyes and one I use myself for some blogs as you can customise it well.

3. Kadence Theme

best free wordpress themes for private blogs kadence
Image from the WordPress Theme repository

This modern looking theme for WordPress is lightweight and very effective. Its focuses on making beautiful and fast loading pages that help with SEO and general visitor happiness. Its features and easy header and footer builder for you site as well as many customization options and even templates for you to use. The templates are really fantastic and if your in a rush for a great looking blog you can use these and have on in minutes that you just need to change the content and some pictures to complete.

4. Neve Theme

best free wordpress themes for private blogs neve
Image from the WordPress Theme repository

The Neve theme is a slick and certainly a theme with a unique appearance. Currently using much less colour that the other themes, neve still looks modern and professional as well as having other great features.

Its fully optimised and responsive, claiming to load in only a few seconds which again does great for your speed loading for google. When looking for themes for Private Blog Networks its important that you keep the unique. This is a great one for training, information or even more serious style of blogs.

5. GeneratePress Theme

best free wordpress themes for private blogs generatepress
Image from the WordPress Theme repository

Another awesome plugin created for speed and usability. With PBN hosting having slightly less usage allowance than normal WordPress hosting, it means that you don’t want big heavy themes with too much going on. This light weight theme is great for a any private blog and looks great no matter what screen your designing on. It uses Gutenberg as a default editor and is well coded for other plugins such as woocomerce or other well know and well used plugins.

6. Colibri WP Theme

best free wordpress themes for private blogs colibri wp
Image from the WordPress Theme repository

A unique theme that works more like a drag and drop page builder. The Colibri theme gives you style as well as responsiveness and fast loading. A perfect theme for any PBN blog to make it look unique but yet still effective and fast loading for great SEO. Its has over 25 drag and drop components for you to use and has a 5 star rating with currently 221 reviews!

7. Sydney Theme

best free wordpress themes for private blogs sydney
Image from the WordPress Theme repository

This versatile theme will be good to use for many different niches. For a blog its fast, responsive and allows for lots of customization of the theme and elements within it. It also gives you construction blocks so you can design your homepage to your liking including a great looking blog page for your latest posts. Its also includes all the google fonts for good SEO and easier google indexing.

8. Trendy News Theme

best free wordpress themes for private blogs trendy news
Image from the WordPress Theme repository

The trendy news theme is an excellent choice for blogs displaying multiple categories such as news sites. It is centred around great post display pages and gives you some great features that some of the other themes don’t give you. The look is unique and isn’t as versatile as other themes, buts its fantastic for the right niche. Its includes sections for “popular, trending or latest news” that makes it stand out as a theme for a news blog.

9. OnePress Theme

best free wordpress themes for private blogs onepress
Image from the WordPress Theme repository

Another excellent theme to use for your blog, the layout works well for most needs and also comes with all needed features to design a great looking site. This multi functional theme will work great as a simple blog, a complete news website or even an ecommerce shop. The pages and designs load up fast and work for all screen sizes well.

10. ColorMag Theme

best free wordpress themes for private blogs colormag
Image from the WordPress Theme repository

This very popular theme with over 1.400 ratings gives you another great looking post page. Like the news them from above this gives you sections to display different categories or posts in well designed areas of the page. Another versatile theme that allows you to use it whether your a freelancer, a PBN owner, a news website or anything else. This can mold around your niche and allow you to create a fast loading and great looking blog.

11. Bravada Theme

best free wordpress themes for private blogs bravada theme
Image from the WordPress Theme repository

The Bravada theme is a real professional looking one. With custom animations for the page and a professional design this is great for more high end blogs that want a premium look but with out having to pay. Another feature that cant be looked over is the ability to dynamically change fonts and sizes of your whole site rather than changing each section one by one. Meaning that you can get your site looking consistent with the headings, paragraphs and fonts within only a few clicks,

12. Lightning Theme

best free wordpress themes for private blogs lightning theme
Image from the WordPress Theme repository

This simple but effective blog theme is one of the easiest way to get started with a simple but great looking blog. Its doesn’t boast of extra features but the design and implementation will easily get your blog looking great, loading fast and its just nice and simple to use. Sometimes less is more and as we know for private blog networks, its important they look different so make do of this awesome theme.

13. Newsup Theme

best free wordpress themes for private blogs newsup theme
Image from the WordPress Theme repository

One of my favourite “news” themed themes to use for WordPress. This has all the right columns and categories headings to make your news blog stand out and really identify in its niche. You can find some different demo pages here so check out the different colours used in this theme and if you like any of them to use for your own. This theme is SEO friendly, fast loading and allows you to use widgets to adjust the look of the post page.

14. Flavita Theme

best free wordpress themes for private blogs flavita theme
Image from the WordPress Theme repository

The Flavita themes has a professional look and would really suits blogs in the niche of business or services. Its highly focused on colour combinations to make the pages stand out to users and bring more into the further content of your blog. Interacting with your page will help SEO as it shows interest and the more interactions the better. This theme provides great areas for navigation or other menus such as socials and even content information.

15. Total Theme

best free wordpress themes for private blogs total theme
Image from the WordPress Theme repository

One of my favourite themes for PBN blogs is the total theme. The home page consist of slider, featured section with icon, about us section with progress bar, portfolio section with masonry layout, team section, testimonial section, counter section, blog section with option to add 3, 6 or 9 blog posts, clients logo carousel slider and call to action section. The theme is very SEO friendly with fast load times, responsive viewing for different screen sizes, cross browser compatibility and will also work really well with woo commerce f you decide to sell from this site.


16. Ketos Theme

best free wordpress themes for private blogs ketos theme
Image from the WordPress Theme repository

A simple but very effective and well designed theme for WordPress. The Ketos theme wont disappoint if you simple want a great looking theme thats good for SEO and is easy to setup and configure. Its is light weight, responsive and looks great for most types of websites in different niches.

17. BlockMag Theme

best free wordpress themes for private blogs blockmag theme
Image from the WordPress Theme repository

The BlockMag theme has a beautiful/elegant look and really suits certain niches very well. Its nicely customizable and has a very professional finish that will leave your blog looking perfect. Its gives you some great colour schemes that have already been tested and work well for viewers and give you lots of customization options for you to make it look unique. It includes 19+ easy to use block patterns, 11 templates and 8 template parts to truly customize your blog compared to anyone else using the same free wp theme.


If your run a Private Blog Network with multiple IP WordPress hosting and you need a variety of great looking WordPress themes that are free and great for SEO then i suggest using some or even all of these themes across your network to make sure they all are unique and stay effective for their links.  To get a good theme you don’t always have to pay. Some research and a bit of testing to begin with will often reveal great themes to use that you can download for free.


How to delete WordPress theme from website and Install a New theme

How to Delete WordPress Theme from Website and Install a New Theme?

Easy guide on How to delete WordPress Theme and how to Install a New Theme on your WordPress in just a few easy steps.

What Is a WordPress Theme?

A WordPress theme is a pre designed appearance you can choose to use as a guideline to building your website. They include many templates for many different types of businesses and styles. From ecommerce designs to blogs, business websites there is always a theme that will suit your website.

Themes can be easily changed over so its important to know how to delete WordPress theme or how to install a new theme. Leaving old themes on your WordPress not only uses extra space which you could use to optimise your site but it also gives you more security risks.

By leaving old and out of date themes you can leave yourself exposed to potential security breaches which would have got patched up on a newer more secure and up to date version of the theme.

How To Install a New Theme On WordPress

We recommend doing some research first to see what style of theme you want to go for so the suitability works with your potential audience. Research your niche, see what works by looking at other popular website in the same niche. And using this you can shape your design to something that is proven to work.

To get to this stage you will also need a Domain and your WordPress Hosting.

Steps To Install a New Theme On WordPress

  1. Log in to the back end of your WordPress website and go to Appearance, then click on Theme.
    install theme on wordpress
  2. Along the top of the dashboard select Add New to find a new theme to install.
    install a theme on wordpress website
  3. Either use the options on the left to filter through theme types or the search bar on the right to find a desired theme.
    install a theme on wordpress website search for new theme wordpress
  4. Once you find a theme you like, first preview it using the preview option to see how it would look like with your content.
    install theme and preview
  5. When happy with the theme design, press install to install it to your WordPress website. Once installed click on activate.
    how to install and activate a theme

How to Delete WordPress Theme from Website?

Sometimes you might find a theme that would clearly work better for your niche. So lets take a look at how to delete WordPress theme after you install a new theme.

We always suggest you delete old WordPress themes and only leaving your active theme on your WordPress site, and of course keep it up to date. The option of how to delete WordPress them can be hard as its small and hard to see so lets follow this guide on how to delete your theme on WordPress.

Steps to Delete WordPress Theme

  1. Log into the back end of your WordPress website, then go to Appearance and then Themes.
    how to delete theme wordpress
  2. Next hover over the theme to delete on WordPress and select Theme details.
    open theme to delete wordpress theme
  3. Now go to the bottom right of the page and click on delete to delete the theme on WordPress.
    how to delete a theme on wordpress website


Making sure that your WordPress website stays secure and optimised is all part of running a successful website. Whether your looking to install a theme on WordPress to get started with your design or you need to find out how to delete a WordPress theme on WordPress, you should now be able to do so in no time at all!

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