WordPress Technical Support Services: 10 Best WP Sites Management Solutions

By James Flarakos | February 17, 2022
Table of Contents
If your looking for Technical Support Services for your WordPress website then take a look at 10 of our best technical support services you will need.
What Is Website Technical Support?
You might be wandering what Website Maintenance and Technical support might mean and how it would benefit you? So lets start first on what is it before we go through the benefits and how you can use these services to benefit you.
WordPress Website maintenance includes a variety of things or single features that can be done to maintain or improve your website, updating features on your WordPress or even help designing aspects with dedicated developers. In short, the service is the simple act of regularly checking your website for problems and then making sure that everything is up to date and relevant. So if your running low on time and simply need someone to come in and sort out any problems to make sure your getting the most out of your website, thats where we come in.
Now lets move onto why you might need website maintenance for your WordPress site. Maintaining the constant updates from plugins, themes and even WordPress itself can be quite a time consuming job especially with each one of there sections updating regularly. By using a WordPress technical support service you can rest assured that someone is there doing the work for you and your staying safe and up to date.
Along with that security is a major issue with website along with backups, all these are features you get managed by someone to know your always safe and have the choice to back up at any point. From SEO improvement to website optimizing, we provide a wide range of services which we will go through in detail now.
1. Updating Themes, Plugins & WordPress
As mentioned at the start, updates happen often and within all the sections mentioned in the title such as plugins, themes and WordPress. Its very important to keep these up to date to not only get the best performance out of them but also keep yourself secure.
Updates will usually occur once an improvement has been made or if a security flaw is found and patched. Meaning that by leaving your WordPress website not updated your risking an attack and possible lost or corrupted work.
So to save you time and hassle we can keep your website completely up to date at all times without you ever even having to log in.
Our WordPress Update Technical Support Services
Our team will make sure your WordPress is always completely up to date to the latest version whilst also making sure everything is compatible before updating. Your themes and plugins will also be updated the same day as the update has become available.
We check and warn you about any plugins that have been left by the developer and find you a better and safer solution also. Sometimes with plugins you find that certain plugins just left abandoned by the developer and your left with potential security flaw within the plugin once they are found. So to mitigate this we check and confirm all your plugins are up to date and actively maintained.
2. Extra Security, Malware Scanning And Removal
We take security very seriously and our main goal is to stop any intruders from getting in, in the first place. Pro active security is the best security as its better to stop hackers rather than try to clean up the mess after.
You need a good level or general security, firewalls, scanning and also smaller less known fixes to stop other forms of hacking. Which of course when you have your life, work and other things isnt the first thing on your mind and potentially something you just dont have the time to keep up with.
Along with that what do you do if you have got hacked? Finding malicious files can be hard, especially when you dont know what your looking for. And if you dont know what your looking for the removal just not a feasible option.
Our Website Security Technical Support Services
We first make sure that your website is as secure as can be to stop any initial threats from getting in. Once the initial security in stalled we move on to more advanced website security to cover all other aspects of any known WordPress threats. From changing your URL login, limiting login attempts or ban usernames. To making sure others cant access certain files which are known for their security flaws.
We also install a malware scanner which we check regularly along with a firewall that is specifically catered for each individual website. One options we we use for certain websites is also running it through a cloud hosting to mitigate any other attacks that may occur leaving you completely secure from any angle.
Now what happens if you have had an attack and are looking for someone to resolve the matter? We have a team of professionals that are experts in finding malicious files, removing them and running a full health check on your website to make sure everything is as it should be.
3. Website Health Checks
Like most other things in life, its good to get checked up regularly to make sure all functions are working as they intended. From links not working on pages to plugins and themes throwing out problems. Its best to check often and resolve them fast.
This is something many people overlook or just know they have to do, but struggle to assign time to do it. Checking all the aspects of your website can be a tedious job which can take some time and require some knowledge. Our expert team members have the know how to identify issues and correct them as soon as they are flagged up. So lets take a look at what you can get with our Website Health Checks Maintenance Service.
Our Website Health Checks Technical Support Services
Our team will run a full website diagnostic check to see if we can find any faults that might need correcting. Whether its a small problem or a large one, its best to identify it early and remove it straight away.
With WordPress there is a number of features on your website that can go down or need some attention or updating to work well and efficiently. Keeping your website healthy will improve performance much like optimization will. We can provide a regularly monthly health check or simply on request, in case your feeling like something could be up or not working as it should be.
4. Regular On & Off Site Backups
Backups are a vital part of any website for security and piece of mind when making major changes. First of all security wise, its always important to make a back up in case someone does gain access to your website. Sometimes no matter how much security you add you simply cant prevent everything. From phone scammers trying to get passwords to big companies having password leaks, nothing can ever be 100% safe.
On the other side, you might want to make some major changes but your not sure whether it might break something on your website or simply want a backup to go back easily if the new feature your trying doesnt work.
Our Website Backup Technical Support Services
So to make sure we can make you 100% safe we can not only secure your website fully but also make backups on your website, and off site backups (cloud based) to make sure if the worst happens. Your only one click away from a recent backup.
We back up regularly and hold the back ups in different physical and cloud based locations to make sure your website can always get backed up to a safer place. Along with this you can get us to backup your website upon request for them times you looking to make some major changes and you want a safe version to revert back to if it doesnt work with the new changes.
5. WordPress Website Optimization
Optimizing your website can be done in a variety of ways, with plugins, with cloud based hosting, image optimization and even checking what plugins are loading at once on each page. So if your not familiar with Minified CSS, JS, Plugin requests, Incorrect Code, Image Optimization and other things that lessen your sites optimization then we are here to help you out.
Optimizing your site can be the difference between more sales, visitor interaction, traffic volume or visitors leaving your site because it performs badly and takes far to long to load each page. So make sure to keep optimised and give the best experience to anyone visiting your website.
Our Website Optimization Technical Support Services
We go through your entire website and optimise it fully. We will install a small number of plugins and configure them to optimize your website but also keep it optimized for any future additions to it. You can rest assured the site speed will not only improve but you will also find your website size also decreasing after we clean up any un needed options that are slowing your site down.
6. Website Indexing On Major Search Engines
Indexing your website can really help increase traffic flow. By getting your website indexed by Google or Bing they start to send crawlers around each page to check if anything needs improvement’s, if its good for mobile usage, and most of all keeps a much better record of what information you display to match it with search queries. So if your wandering why you can find your website by searching for it in google, this is why.
Our Indexing Technical Support Services
We add your website to both Google and Bing to get indexed and get crawlers to check all your pages for any improvements. After some time of been indexed you will also find yourself showing up on the search engines much easier than before. This way you dont need to wait for search engines to naturally index you (which can take some time) rather you get a great head start with showing up for search results with our indexing service.
7. Uptime Monitoring
There is nothing worse than finding out your website is down and has been for some time with out you noticing. This can lead to loss in traffic to your site and of course loss I revenue if you run a business or make other income from your website.
You website going down can be caused by a number of things, but the most important thing is to check regularly and if something does happen, act quickly and resolve the problem. Visitors can lose trust in websites that arent always available and potentially go to a rival website in the same niche. So we want to make sure this doesnt happen to you.
Our Uptime Monitoring Technical Support Services
Our team check daily to make sure everything is running as it should be. This way you sure to never miss more than a day of sales or traffic to your website and everything continues as normal. If any down time occurs we can quickly get to action to get everything running again as quickly as possible. This can of course depend on the hosting itself, so if your looking for reliable and cheap hosting you should take a look at some of our WordPress Hosting packages.
8. Ecommerce Setup & Configuration
Are you running an ecommerce website on WordPress but are struggling to get the settings right? Perhaps you looking to start one but are overwhelmed by all that goes into start an ecommerce website.
Sometimes getting everything right can be fiddly, especially when it comes to emails, variants, subscriptions, customer accounts and other things you need to configure along the way. Other things like shipping zones, different charge per shipping package and other elements arent always easy to setup either.
Our Ecommerce Technical Support Services
We can help set up your ecommerce website from the start or help you improve any features you currently have. So whether your looking for a small but effective merch store or a wholesale online store were able to create the shop that suits you.
From configuration, to setting up email campaigns. We spend the time getting these ready for you to allow you time to get on with the important things in your business. Your inventory can be completely managed online along with any refunds, disputed and of course sales. We can set up many payments methods including the most popular and trust methods, to even more country specific payment methods.
9. Plugin Configuration
Sometimes plugins can be tricky to set up. With many different settings and integrations between other plugins you want to make sure nothing is conflicting and everything is working as efficiently as possible. And of course you want to make sure the plugin is working well for its main intended purpose.
Sometimes looking through all the settings and configuring them to work properly can take time and knowledge to make sure its done right. Things like setting sup you mailing system, response emails, receipts, inventories, security. We have great knowledge about all the fields and can help get you up and running in no time.
Our Plugin Configuration Technical Support Services
You will get one of our WordPress advisors to first check what the problem is your having and we can then advise on how best to resolve this problem. Or of course advice you on any new plugins your wanting to add.
Once happy with the decision we can go ahead and edit, configure, install any plugins we have discussed and get it running exactly as intended for you. All plugins are well tested before completion to make sure everything is running well and you dont find any problems once we have completed the job.
10. On Site SEO
On site SEO is hugely important to any website or blog. Search engines read far more than just what you see on your display page for your website. They will be busy reading picture data and alt texts, for keywords within your content, the relevance of each post and how easily visitors found that information, whether visitors interacted from your page or looked at another, if the visitor found what they were looking for and much much more.
Its not only important to find keywords in your niche to use but also to research these keywords and making sure your going after the right ones. More often than not the keywords you trying for are far too hard to rank with, where as a little change in the wording can see hundreds more people searching through your site as that term is easier to rank for but still used by the traffic looking for what you have.
Our On Site SEO Services Technical Support Services
We dive fully into your website and cover every aspect to make sure its 100% optimized for search engines. From headings, keywords, content, pictures, search engine displays and anything else we can optimize you will be sure to be either ranking much better with search engines or just coming up to the people searching for something in your genre.
You will be surprised at how much more traffic you will get just by getting your website Search Engine Optimised with us here at SeekaHost.